New school opening hours from September 2022
The school’s new opening times will begin for all children in Reception and Key Stage One when they return from the summer holidays on Monday 5th September 2022. All children will be expected to be in school by 8.40am each day. If children arrive at school later than this time, they will be recorded as ‘Late’ on the school register. The gates will open each morning at 8.30am and children will be able to go into class for a ‘soft start’ from this time.
The new finish time for Reception and Key Stage One children will be 3.10pm every day.
The timings for Nursery children will remain the same. AM sessions will begin at 8.30am and finish at 11.30am. For PM sessions, the sessions will begin at 12.15pm and finish at 3.15pm. Nursery full-time children will begin each day at 8.30am and finish at 3.15pm.