Free School Meals
Applying for Free School Meals
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 receive free lunches as part of the government's Universal Infant Meals scheme. Even-though, children are entitled to free meals, we encourage all families to apply for free school meals if they are eligible. This will enable the school to access Pupil Premium funding and will enable the school to provide additional support to families such as providing them with food vouchers.
Further information about applying for Free School Meals can be found on the following websites:
If you wish to apply for Free School Meals, please contact the school office on 0208 573 5177. We will check your eligibility and apply on your behalf if you are eligible. You will need to complete the form below. Paper copies can be requested from the school office.
Free School Meal Application Form
You will need to provide the following information:
- your National Insurance number/ NASS number (can be found on your benefit letter)
- your date of birth
- your surname
- your full address
- your child(ren)'s details
Click the link below for information about Pupil Premium