British Values
Promoting fundamental British values
Schools are required to promote fundamental British values and follows advice from the DfE. Click here to view the DfE guidance.
There are five British values which are:
- Democracy
- Rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect
- Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
The school promotes these values in a number of ways:
- Having British values on display throughout the school.
- Assemblies, workshops, themed days and weeks which focus on different values.
- Values are taught across the curriculum particularly in RE and PHSE.
- The school is a UNICEF Rights Respecting School (Silver Award) and as part of this teaches the 54 articles in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child across the curriculum. Click here to view the Convention. Each class is represented by Rights Respecting Ambassadors. They meet regularly and plan whole school events.
- The school regularly raises money for different charities which often provides opportunities to teach British values.
- Regular educational visits are planned as part of the school's enrichment offer and often includes visits to places where British values can be discussed such as places of worship.
- The Behaviour and Relationship Policy outlines the school's eight rules which helps develops children's early understanding of many of the British values including the rule of law.
- Participation in inter-school sporting competitions.