Pupil Voice
- Tanzania: Asha- ”The fairtrade logo reminds us of the farmer's hard work.” Hannah – “It's important to buy fair trade products so the farmers get paid fairly to help their families and communities.”
- Indonesia: Matthew- “I didn’t know that the farmers don’t always get enough money. I am going to show my mum the Fairtrade logo.” Anaya - “If farmers don’t get enough money then they won’t survive.”
- Portugal: Sarem – “Fairtrade means when you help all the farmers.” Keira – “Fair trade means it has a sticker on it.”
- India: Bableen- “Farmers should be paid a fair wage because they work very hard and for very long hours.” Thinura- “If the farmers don’t get paid properly then they won't be able to help their families.”
- Austria: Kamari – “Helping the farmers so that they get more money for clothes, food and shoes.” Sofia – “It's on the bananas in the shop.”
- Japan: Manveen-”The people who work so hard, make food to give people. Buy Fairtrade food to give them money.” Mankeerat- “Fairtrade is to help people if they don’t have money. We can buy things that have the logo.”
- Netherlands: Holly- “The logos tell people that the farmer has very little money and buying the Fairtrade stuff gives the family more money. Anshraj- “Fairtrade logo on honey, bananas, chocolate, coffee, rice.”
- Cambodia: Luna-” The farmers work hard. We can give them more money.” Paiwand- “The farmer can get more money. They can buy some food, a house or medicine.”
- Greece: Sejal-” Bananas and chocolate buttons are Fairtrade.” Mokshith-” Fairtrade has got a logo. We have to buy bananas, coffee, sugar and chocolate.”