Welcome Information
Dear Parents and Carers,
Please find class names and teachers below, as well as, relevant documents like the daily timetable and induction information. We will be adding weekly blogs to this page for you to see what the children get up to every Friday.
Reception Classes
Portugal Class - Mrs Patel
Greece Class - Mrs Patel
Austria Class - Mrs Rooney
Netherlands Class - Mr Ismail
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Library for all classes.
PE for all classes. Children should come to school in the correct PE uniform on this day (black shorts/ trousers, black plimsolls and red polo). | Achievement Assembly |
Reception Curriculum Overview 2024-2025
Reception Topic Webs
Reception Welcome Meetings 2024/25
Weekly Blog
Please do visit this page, each Friday, for our weekly blog. You will find useful information, including what we have been learning during the week and important dates.
Spring One
Over the last two weeks, the children have enjoyed exploring our science topic, 'Weather'. In particular, they have focused on the different seasons throughout the year. They had fun learning about the types of clothing worn during the winter months and compared them to the clothes we wear in the other three seasons. They also had the chance to explore the ice in the outdoor area, due to the recent freezing temperatures.
A very warm welcome back and a Happy New Year!
What a wonderful start to the new year! The children's homework projects about dinosaurs absolutely blew us away! It was fantastic to see their efforts and creativity come to life – thank you for all your support.
Our topic for Spring One is Dinosaurs. The children have been enjoying exploring the different types of dinosaurs and learning their names. They've been using vocabulary such as carnivore, herbivore, and omnivore, and it’s been exciting to see them embrace all the new vocabulary with such enthusiasm!
We look forward to another term of discovery and learning together!
Autumn Two
Holiday Project - Dinosaur Theme
What a wonderful end to the Autumn term it has been! It was lovely to see so many of our Minet families at the 'Songs for the Season' concerts. The children truly enjoyed performing, and I’m sure you felt incredibly proud of them.
On behalf of the entire Reception team, we would like to wish you all a restful and joyful holiday. We look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday, 6th January 2025!
We've had a wonderful start to the Christmas celebrations in Reception! The children loved wearing their festive jumpers on Thursday and thoroughly enjoyed their delicious Christmas lunch together. They had a lot of fun pulling crackers with their friends, and everyone embraced the festive spirit.
The children continued to enjoy exploring our Traditional Tales theme! This week, they have been writing about the story Little Red Riding Hood, describing the characters using exciting adjectives. The children also enjoyed a number creative activities, including paper basket weaving, creating paper baskets and paper plate wolves!
In Maths, the children have been focusing on the concept of Measurement. They used mathematical vocabulary such as big, bigger, biggest, small, smaller, and smallest to compare objects. They’ve also explored weight by using balance scales to distinguish between heavy and light objects, allowing them to gain a deeper understanding of measurement in a fun and interactive way.
Over the last two weeks, the children have explored their creative skills in Design Technology. They had a great time designing and planning the setting for the story Three Billy Goats Gruff. The children enjoyed using shoe boxes and junk modelling to create various features of the setting, bringing their imagination to life. It was a fun and engaging way for them to practice their creativity while developing skills in design and construction.
Throughout the month of November, the children in Reception have enjoyed learning about a number of different celebrations, including Diwali, Bandi Chhor Divas, Bonfire Night and Guru Nanaks birthday. The children were very enthusiastic and enjoyed creating colourful pictures of the fireworks they saw!
This week in Maths we introduced the part, part, whole model to the children. They enjoyed learning how to add and subtract from a whole number using practical objects to support their understanding. Please continue to count and practise talking about numbers and their values with your child.
Enrichment Friday
The children thoroughly enjoyed the yoga workshops this week, they were keen to join in and Krupa the yoga teacher was very impressed with how quickly the children learnt the different yoga poses.
Children in Need & World Children's Day!
The children in Reception enjoyed a fun filled day to celebrate ‘Children in Need’ and ‘World Children’s Day’. They attended their very first assembly in the school hall, where Mrs Vallijee explained the importance of children’s ‘Rights and Respects’ and the children were given the opportunity to share their ideas.
The children also had the chance to discuss their 'needs and wants', they enjoyed thinking about the things they need to remain healthy as well as the things they want. The children had some very interesting answers and showed good understanding of children in other parts of the world who may not be as fortunate.
We would also like to congratulate the Reception Ambassador’s on their success!
Welcome back, we hope you had a restful half-term break.
This week we introduced our new topic for Autumn 2 'Once Upon A Time', The children have enjoyed reading the story of 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff.' They have been learning about the role of an author and illustrator as well as discussing the different features of fiction story books. Over the coming weeks, we will be reading a number of traditional fairy tales, please take time to visit the local library and read a variety of books with your child at home.
Autumn One
We have come to the end of the first half-term in Reception. It’s been a very busy 8 weeks; the children have enjoyed learning all about 'People Who Help Us'. The teachers are proud of how quickly the children have settled into full-time school life, they have developed a good understanding of the school day and its been wonderful to watch them enjoying the Reception provision.
This week, Mrs Rehmanji came to Reception to teach the children all about the festival of Diwali! The children enjoyed learning about the different rituals and why Diwali is a special time for Hindus and Sikhs.
We would like to wish all our families a restful half-term holiday, please remember to practise the phonics sounds using the videos, your child also has a name card and whiteboard pen to practise writing their name.
This week we would like to share the success of the four different Reception classroom environments. Every day, during both the morning and afternoon the children have the opportunity to explore all four classroom environments during child-initiated learning. This means the children can go to any of the classes to play, learn and follow their own interests.
In Austria Class the children can play with the Sand and Water Areas as well as explore the Investigative Area. They can also create shadow puppets and make pictures using the light box.
Greece class is set up as an Art Studio, here the children can paint pictures on an easel or create junk models as well as explore different objects to create pieces of transient art. They can also explore their malleable skills using different tools with playdough.
In Portugal Class the children can enjoy the Role Play Area which is set up as a familiar home setting. Here the children can bring their own real-life experiences, while being imaginative and exploring the different objects and toys they may have at home. This classroom is also where we have our Snack Area: milk, fruit and bagels are available to the children at all times.
Netherlands Class has a very well-resourced indoor Construction Area, here the children can explore wooden building blocks and a range of different tools. There is also a Maths Area where the children can explore numbers and other mathematical concepts.
Each classroom has a well-resourced Reading and Mark Making Area, the children enjoy using these Areas across all classrooms.
Alongside all our indoor environments, the children have access to our well-resourced Outdoor Area. Here they enjoy the large sand and water area. There is also a climbing wall, a fairy garden, a construction area as well as a number of different activities for the children to enjoy daily.
Read Write Inc - Phonics
Please follow the links below to watch the videos of the sounds we have been learning this week.
Letter h
Letter r
Letter j
Letter v
What an exciting week we have had! This week 3 Metropolitan Police Officers came to visit the children in Reception. The Police Officers explained the importance of keeping safe and all the different jobs they do. The children enjoyed exploring the Police van and trying on the officer’s uniforms. The children also experienced a staged 'Crime Scene' in the library, it was a lot of fun playing detectives... we are yet to solve the mystery!
We have also continued to learn about 'People Who Help Us', this week we focused on the different roles of Builders and looked at the types of equipment builders use. We were very pleased with how much knowledge the children have about builders and their tools. The children have enjoyed watching the construction site being built from the playground over the last few weeks.
Read Write Inc - Phonics
Please follow the links below to watch the videos of the sounds we have been learning this week.
Letter b
Letter f
Letter e
Letter l
In Reception the children enjoyed learning about ‘World Teachers’ Day’ this week. It is a special day celebrated every year in the month of October. This year ‘World Teachers’ Day’ is on Saturday 5th October. The children made lovely cards and shared all the wonderful reasons their teachers deserve to be celebrated. It was a pleasure to hear how much the children enjoy coming to school and being taught by all their teachers at Minet Infant & Nursery School.
We have also been learning how to count and represent numbers up to 5. The children enjoyed singing different number songs and rhymes, including The Numeral Song, 2 Little Dicky Birds and 3 Blind Mice. Please remember to practise counting with your child and help them to represent numbers to 10 in different ways.
Read Write Inc - Phonics
Please follow the links below to watch the videos of the sounds we have been learning this week.
Letter g
Letter o
Letter c
Letter k
Firstly, we would like to thank all parents and carers who were able to attend our 'Reception Welcome Meeting and the Phonics Workshop this week. We were delighted to see how many parents attended and hope you found all the information useful. If you were unable to attend please look out for the information which will be emailed to you in the coming days.
This week, we have continued to learn about our topic ‘People Who Help Us’. The school nurse came to visit the children in Reception. Mrs Parker explained her role within the school and how she helps the children when they are hurt or feeling unwell. The children enjoyed exploring the different medical equipment she uses, including a thermometer which is used to check the children’s body temperature, plasters/bandages which are used when a child is injured. The children thoroughly enjoyed the experience and had lots of fun! We look forward to sharing more about the people who help us in the coming weeks.
Read Write Inc - Phonics
Please follow the links below to watch the videos of the sounds we have been learning this week.
Letter sound t
Letter sound i
Letter sound n
Letter sound p
Autumn One - People Who Help Us
It’s been a busy week in Reception, we introduced our topic for this half term ‘People Who Help Us’. The children enjoyed learning about the role of a Dentist and were introduced to Sally who is the Hillingdon Schools Dental Nurse. Sally explained the importance of keeping our teeth healthy, by brushing our teeth twice a day and visiting the dentist regularly for a routine check-up. The children also learnt about the roles of Police Officers and their importance in the community. Please talk to your child about the different jobs of people in our community as this will help them at school over the coming weeks.
The children visited the school library and enjoyed story time with their class teacher. From next week the children will bring home a Library book of their choice to read at home with a grown up.
We also introduced the children to our phonics scheme ‘Read Write Inc’, each day the children will be taught a new sound at school. Please take time to watch the videos linked to the year group page each week and practise the sounds daily with your child.
Important dates & information
Reception Welcome Meeting : Tuesday 24th September, 2.30pm – 3.00pm
Read Write Inc Presentation: Friday 27th September, 8.40am – 9.10am
Read Write Inc - Phonics
Please follow the links below to watch the videos of the sounds we have been learning this week.
The children have continued to settle into their Reception classes very well this week. They have enjoyed learning the rules, routines and are displaying good understanding of the school’s values.
Children have experienced eating their school lunches in the dining hall and have remembered their tables manners, particularly saying ‘Please and Thank you’.
The children have been able to follow the morning routines and particularly enjoy the daily funky fingers activities.
Most children have remembered to bring their bookbags into school every day, this is important as very soon the children will be able to take books home from the school library.
Please remember to send in a pair of wellington boots and a light rain coat for your child to keep at school.
Half Termly Topic Webs
The children in Reception have settled very well and have enjoyed exploring their new environment.
All of the Reception staff would like to say a big WELL DONE to the children for their hard work and resilience this year! We have loved teaching you and watching you all grow, learn and thrive. We hope you have a lovely summer holidays and wish you all the best of luck in Year 1.
12.07.24 - Sports Day
Thank you to all of the families and friends who came to support our Sports Day at Botwell Leisure Centre. The children were extremely sensible walking there and thoroughly enjoyed their loved ones cheering them on.
Reception children have continued enjoying their learning about space this week and have now finished learning about the story Whatever Next. Can you retell the story?
In Mathematics, we have learned to recognise coins and notes and compare their values. Each class set up a shop of items priced at different amounts, and children used their skills to pay for the items using the correct coins.
21.06.24 - Music Appreciation Day
Reception children loved celebrating Music Appreciation Day. Thank you to all of the parents/carers who came to watch us perform some of the songs we have been learning at school. We hope you enjoyed it!
"I loved making a musical instrument using rice and pasta."
"I enjoyed dancing to music from around the world."
14.06.24 - Forest School Trip
Reception children had a fanstastic time on our trip to the forest school this week. We learned how to make a fire using a flint and how to build a den using sticks and branches. We also had time to roast marshmallows and have a game of Tug of War!
Thank you to all of our parent/carer volunteers who came along for the fun.
In Reception this week, the children have explored the story called The Journey Home. The story explains how habitats have changed because of humans and how it affects the animals. Can you retell the story?
Thank you for all of the soccor aid donations. All children enjoyed dressing up in their sportswear! Keep an eye out on the school website to find out the total amount that was raised!
Butterfly Fly Away!
All classes have no released their pet butterflies into the wild! The children have loved watching the caterpillars evolve and grow into beautiful butterflies (so has Miss Kyriacou!) and we loved setting them free. We learnt about the process of metamorphosis (transforming) and couldn't believe that we saw the whole thing!
This week, we celebrated International Day. The children dressed up in traditional cultural clothes and thoroughly enjoyed showing these off at school. We had a busy day with activities related to our class names (Portugal, Greece, Austria and Netherlands), and learned more about these countries. The children also took part in a dance workshop where they explored traditional dances from around the world.
This week has been an exciting one in Reception as we had a visit from Gruffalo! The children couldn't believe that the Gruffalo had been in their classrooms and wandering around the school. Can you retell the story to someone at home?
Thank you to all of the parents/carers who came to our Family Friday all about OPAL. We hope you found it useful to see how we interact with the children during play and encourage new learning through play.
This week in Reception, we have consolidated our learning on 3D shapes and their properties. The children began making patterns of 3D shapes and comparing them using vocabulary, such as verticies, edges, faces.
Our caterpillars have grown loads and will soon begin their chrysalis stage. We have been monitoring their growth and watching them eat.
This week has been exciting as each Reception class now have their own pet caterpillars! We are watching them grow and noticing how they change over time. In maths, we have consolidated our learning around 3D shapes and repeating patterns. Can you spot any 3D shapes at home?
Nursery have been looking after some ducklings and some Reception children have paid them a visit. They were even brave enough to stroke and hold them!
Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely Easter holiday and spent lots of time with your children.
We are glad to have them back and have launched into our new topic: Shoots, Leaves and Forests! The children have enjoyed lots of gardening and even planted some seeds as a class. We have been monitoring these seeds throughout the week and have started to see them grow!
Reception children also had a special visit from Harold the Giraffe and learnt why it is important to be resilient!
As we have been learning all about animals that live in the Safari, we had a special visit from some animals that live in a completely different habitat. We compared how these animals live and discussed how they are similar and different. The children were so brave and some children stroked and held the animals!
Here is a list of the animals we saw:
Ziggy the leopard gecko, african snails, cockroaches (which we named Strawberry and Rainbow), an albino snake, a scorpion that glows in the dark, and a frog.
22.03.24 - Fruit Tasting
We had a very exciting 'hook' to our new Talk 4 Writing book this week. The children investigated the smell, touch, look and taste of a range of fruits! We then read and began to explore the story Handa's Surprise, where a girl takes a basket of fruits to her friend. But something strange happens along the way...
The children have been enjoying our Safari topic so much! We have now started our second focus text for this half term - Handa's Surprise. The children have sorted different foods into fruits and vegetables, and also spoken about what food is good for our bodies.
We would like to thank all of the parents/carers who spend Family Friday with us and joined us at our Tiger Tea Party. The children were so excited for you to eat the sandwiches and biscuits that they made and decorated.
08.03.24 - Beck Theatre Trip
All of Reception had a fantastic time watching The Tiger Who Came to Tea at The Beck Theatre. The show was really engaging and completely brought the story to life. We even had a dance with the tiger!
We would like to say a huge thank you to all of the parents/carers and staff members who supported us on the trip!
07.03.24 - World Book Day
Reception children thoroughly enjoyed celebrating World Book Day by Sharing a Story with their families, getting immersed in a story workshop, and completing other reading activities throughout the day.
01.03.24 - Fairtrade Day
The children celebrated Fairtrade Day by learning about where cocoa beans come from and how chocolate is made. We spotted the Fairtrade logo on different food items and played a trolley shop game where we selected the Fairtrade items to go into our trolley. The children then watched the process of chocolate melting into a liquid form and decorated their own cupcakes.
01.03.24 - Chinese New Year
This week, we had an assembly by Mrs Rehmanji all about the Chinese New Year! We discussed how it is tradionally celebrated and compared these rituals/activities with our own celebrations. The children even learned the traditional fan dance.
01.03.24 - Pedestrian Training
Reception children began the week with some Pedestrian Training. We learned what we can do to keep safe on the roads and practised a song to help us remember. It goes like this...
"Stop, Look, Listen, Hold hands, before you cross the road,
Stop, Look, Listen, Hold hands, before you cross the road,
Use your eyes and your ears to help you cross the road,
Stop, Look, Listen, Hold hands, before you cross the road!"
Welcome back!
This half term, we are learning all about our new topic - Safari! We introduced the topic with a new Talk 4 Writing story called The Tiger Who Came to Tea. The children have enjoyed drawing a text map for the story and acting out each part. We even did a Tea Tasting session!
In mathematics, we began a new unit called Grouping and Sharing. The children have been sharing amounts into different groups and comparing groups that are equal and unequal. We have also been practising our counting in 5s and 10s!
The final week of our Dinosaur topic has been so much fun! The children have explored making dinosaur footprints and fossils in salt dough, and had a dinosaur workshop!
We have also consolidated our learning on addition and subtraction within 10 and were using tens frames and number tracks to help us.
The Reception Team would like to say a big well done to all of the children for their hard work this half-term. We would also like to thank the parents/carers who have supported their child by reading and doing other learning related activities at home. A big thank you to any parents/carers who have engaged in workshops or Family Friday this half-term - it has a huge impact when we can work together to support your child.
Have a restful half-term break and enjoy the homework project that your child will receive from school!
This week, Reception children took part in a Yoga Workshop. The children used breathing techniques to relax their bodies and begin their yoga session calmly. They also learnt different poses that stretch their muscles and develop their balancing skills.
In Literacy, we have finished our focus text of Stomp, Dinosaur, Stomp and the children have been retelling the story using actions. Some of the key words that we looked at from this story are: gliding, flicking, pouncing and charging.
In Mathematics, we consolidated our learning about changing numbers within ten - for example, one more than 7 is 8. We have now moved onto calendar and time. Can you name the days of the week in order?
We have continued our learning about Dinosaurs and have delved into the story Stomp, Dinosaur, Stomp in more depth. We drew a text map and learned names of some dinosaurs. Can you remember any?
In Mathematics, we consolidated our learning on numbers to 10, and used number tracks to show one more and one less.
Finally, some children got to meet the author Banji! We hope you enjoy his book if you bought a copy.
Outdoor Learning
As you can see from the pictures, the children LOVE being outside (even in the cold!). Please make sure your child has a winter coat, hat, scarf and gloves so that they can keep warm outside. These must be labelled with their name in case any go missing.
All children should have a spare set of clothes in a carrier bag on their peg in case they need to change whilst at school.
Reception staff always do their best to ensure your child is changed if they are wet.
A mysterious object appeared in the Reception classrooms this week! Some of the children think it might be a dinosaur egg as we have now started our topic about Dinosaurs and have started reading Stomp, Dinosaur, Stomp!
In maths, we are learning how to represent numbers to 10 on a tens frame and using other resources.
Next Wednesday 17th January, we have a visit from an author called Banji. If you would like to buy his book, please return the permission slip and money to your child's class teacher. You can also get the book signed by Banji after school!
Reception children had lots of fun this week, including the Winter Fair, Santa's Grotto, Christmas activities, a visit from Santa and party games. We wish you all a restful break and a Merry Christmas from all the staff in Reception!
The Gingerbread Man!
We read the story and then followed a recipe to make our own gingerbread men. Luckily, ours didn't run away and get eaten by a wolf!
This week, all year groups enjoyed watching the Pantomime "Jack and the Beanstalk". We couldn't believe that the giant was trying to take over the village. He even gave Jill a cursed potion that made her evil! Luckily, Jack and his mother rescued Jill and cut down the beanstalk. We joined in with their dancing at the end of the show.
Library Visit
Reception children enjoyed a visit to Botwell Green Library and listened to an exciting monster story whilst we were there. Amy, the librarian, sang songs with us and told us all the different things we could do at the library. For example, go on computers, read stories, play on the games table and borrow footballs.
In mathematics, we have explored "part, part, whole" diagrams. Children have learned that two parts make a whole. We also know that the whole number is the biggest number. For example, 2+3=5.
RE Day!
We loved learning about the celebration of Diwali. Mrs Rehmanji brought in traditional items for us to try on and explore. We enjoyed getting messy and making diva lamps!
World Children's Day!
We celebrated by discussing what we "want" compared to what we "need" in life. Children enjoyed the shoe shops role-play that was set up to support our Shoe Share donations.
This week was the last week of reading the Three Billy Goats Gruff. We have become really familiar with the story and are able to recall the main parts of the story. The children used shoeboxes to create the setting from the story.
Reception children had a very exciting visit from Hayes Fire Department. The firefighters talked about their uniform and how it keeps them safe, they showed us some tools they use when rescuing people and they answered some of our questions.
This week, we have started our new topic Once Upon A Time and have focused on the story "The Three Billy Goats Gruff". We build a bridge to walk over, just like the billy goats!
In maths, we began our unit on shapes and focused on 3D shapes. We recognised 3D shapes within the environment and used these to build towers.
People Who Help Us... Doctors and Nurses!
We had a special visit from our school nurse, Mrs Parker! She explained how she looks after children at our school and told us her responsibilities as a nurse. Mrs Parker also showed us some medical equipment and supplies, such as a thermometer, bandages, ice packs and eyewash.
People Who Help Us... Builders!
Children have enjoyed looking at different equipment and tools that builders use. Lots of children have been designing their buildings before making them in the construction area.
In Geography, we used objects to make a messy map of our classroom. The children worked in teams or independently to decide where each thing in their classroom goes.
Meet Jigsaw Jenie! The children hold Jenie when it is their turn to speak in PSHE. This half-term, we have been learning about feelings, being at school, gentle hands, our rights and our responsibilities.
Our Mathematics learning has progressed onto comparing group within 5 by saying who has "more" or "fewer".
People Who Help Us... Teachers!
To celebrate World Teacher's Day, we focused on how teachers and school staff help us. The children came up with lots of ways that teachers help us and we thought we would share a few of them with you:
- They help us learn
- They put plasters on us
- They take us to lunch
- They play games with us
- They teach us phonics
Reception children have also been learning how to count and represent numbers 1-5. It is important that we show numbers in different ways, such as, on a five frame, using our fingers, using counters and using numicon.
This week, we have continued our topic all about People Who Help Us and focused on Fire Fighters!
The children loved looking at fire engines and the equipment used to put out fires. We discussed the role of a fire fighter, including the different jobs they do to help keep people safe. We practiced our school routine of what to do if we hear the fire alarm and discussed what they should do if there is a fire outside of school.
We have been impressed with how quickly the children have settled into their new classes. Each week, they are getting better at using resources sensibly and tidying them away correctly. Most children have brought a bookbag into school, meaning that they are now able to take home books from the school library.
Our current topic is People Who Help Us and we have enjoyed learning about police officers and fire fighters so far.
Reception Curriculum Overview 2022-2023
Half Termly Topic Webs
Reception Timetable
Reception Induction Meeting
Weekly Blog
Summer 2
Summer 1
Spring 2
Spring 1
Autumn 2
Reception Half Term Home Project