Nursery Applications
Nursery applications are made directly to the school.
The school has morning, afternoon and full time (30 hours) places available. Full times places are available to eligible children free of charge (parents/ carers need to provide the school with a 30 hours eligibility code - see below for further information) or parents/ carers can pay an hourly charge to top-up the hours.
Once your child is 2 years old you can place your child on our Nursery waiting list. We normally offer places in the September before their 4th birthday.
You can download our latest Nursery Induction Presentation in the document section below, along with our Nursery Application Form as a PDF.
For more information or to collect a hard copy of the application form please call us on 020 8573 5177 or visit the school office between 8:30am - 4:00pm Monday to Friday.
If you are interested in a Nursery place for your child at Minet, please use the form below to submit your details with the following information and we will be in touch.
- Parent/carer name
- Child's name
- Child's date of birth
- Telephone number