Our vision for PHSE education is to equip children to develop happy, healthy, safe lives and to be effective learners.
At Minet Infant and Nursery School, we believe that personal, social, health and emotional (PSHE) education is an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education in order to raise aspirations. As a school, we aim for all pupils to leave us having with an age-appropriate understanding of what constitutes a happy, healthy and safe lifestyle as well as an appreciation of the school’s values of respect, responsibility and resilience. For this, we encourage pupils to respect themselves, their peers, the whole school community and wider world. We also aim to develop pupils’ resilience so they are able to face a challenge and achieve their goals. Pupils will also learn about having responsibility for their own behaviour, learning and belongings. We aim to use PSHE to embed values that children need to maximise their outcomes, succeed academically and prepare them for wider life so that they become well-rounded individuals who know right from wrong.
We use the Jigsaw scheme to deliver PHSE at Minet. Jigsaw exposes pupils to a range of topics that shape their mindsets and behaviour as future adults in a positive way.
What Jigsaw says: What is Jigsaw?
"Jigsaw is a unique, spiral, progressive and effective scheme of work, aiming to prepare children/young people for life, helping them really know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world."
What some of our children at Minet say (Spring 2023):
What have you learnt this term with Jigsaw Jennie?
"We need fruit and vegetables, water, exercise and sleep to be healthy" - EYFS Child
Do you think PSHE lessons are important?
"Yes because we learn about things like it is good being different" - Year 1 Child
What is your favourite part of PSHE lessons?
"I like when we write dreams and goals because it reminds me if we don’t do something correctly we keep practising until we get it" - Year 2 Child
What some children at Minet say (Summer 2022): What has Jigsaw helped you to learn?
"If you don't know your feelings, you won't know what to do" - EYFS Child
"When I grow up I'll know how to be healthy and kind" - Year 1 Child
"I have learnt what makes me special" - Year 2 Child
With emphasis on emotional literacy, building resilience and nurturing mental and physical health, Jigsaw has two main aims for all children:
1) to build their capacity for learning
2) to equip them with important life skills
How is Jigsaw taught at Minet?
Jigsaw lessons are taught during timetabled PSHE lessons that occur once a week in all year groups.
The lessons are pre - planned, progressive and follow the Jigsaw scheme. The scheme includes 6 topics that are taught over the year, these change on a termly basis and are consistent across all year groups.
What does Jigsaw teach our children?
(An overview of the 6 units of work)
Being Me in My World
Children begin to understand how to create a sense of belonging, welcoming others and being part of our school community, as well as, the wider and global community, and a global community. Minet being a Rights Respecting School, this unit of work fits into our school curriculum very well as it also looks at developing children’s understanding of their rights and responsibilities.
Celebrating Differences
Teaches children about diversity, by focusing on our similarities and differences. Anti-bullying, including cyber and homophobic bullying, is an important aspect of this Puzzle.
Dreams and Goals
Aims to help children think about and share their hopes and dreams, their goals for success, what their personal strengths are, and how to overcome challenges, using team-work skills and tasks.
Healthy Me
Covers two main areas of health: Emotional/mental health and Physical health. Most of the statutory content for Health Education (DfE) is contained within this Puzzle.
Children learn to build a respectful relationship with themselves and others such as families, friendships, pets and animals. Children learn about safeguarding and who they can go to for help.
Changing Me
Deals with change of many types, from growing from young to old. Each year group also thinks about looking ahead and thinking positively about moving year groups and the transition to the neighbouring Junior School.
Progression Maps
Relationship and Health Education policy:
Autumn Term 2024-2025 PHSE work (Being Me in My World and Celebrating Differences)
Reception have been busy learning about responsibility. They took responsibility to look after cress. KS1 having been learning about bullying and this is some of the things they said about their learning:
"A good friend is someone who makes you laugh and takes care of you when you are sad." - Gabriel
"Bullying is when someone makes you sad. Say Stop It, I Don’t Like It and tell the trusted adults." - Sarah
"I have been learning about bullies. They are people who are being mean to you. You can say Stop It, I Don’t Like It! You can tell a trusted adult: Mr. Howell, Mr. Jaffer and Mrs. Dolan." - Sana
"Bullying is something you shouldn’t do. You should tell the teacher. You can tell the trusted: Mrs. Dolan, Mr. Howell, Mr Jaffer." - Georgie
Spring Term 2023-2024 PHSE work (Dreams and Goals and Healthy Me)
Autumn Term 2023-2024 PHSE work (Being Me in My World and Celebrating Difference)