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Raising Aspirations

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect


Click here for information about Governance at Minet Infant and Nursery School on the 'Get Information about Schools' website. 

Annual Governance Statement for the Governing Body of Minet Infant and Nursery School - September 2024

Governor Profiles

Want to find out more about the members of the school's Governing Body? Click below to access the Governor Profiles.

Governing Body - Register of Interests and Governing Body Structure

Name of GovernorCategory of GovernorCommittee Memberships and Specific RolesAppointedTermRegister of Interests
Mr Wayne Wathen-Howell  Headteacher

Resources Committee

Standards Committee

Pay Committee

Ex-officioEx-officioCo-opted Governor at Sir John Heron Primary School, London E12
Mr Tony EgintonLA Governor

Chair of Governors

Resources Committee

Standards Committee

Pay Committee

Headteacher Performance Appraisal

15/12/202314/12/2027Governor at Hillside Junior School; Member of Hillingdon Schools Forum; Trustee of Ruislip Combined Charity
Mrs Safiya AbbasCo-opted Governor

Vice Chair of Governors Resources Committee

Pay Committee

Headteacher Performance Appraisal

Link Governor: Safeguarding and SEND

01/09/201527/09/2027None to declare
Mr Abbas JafferCo-opted Governor

Standards Committee

16/09/202115/09/2025None to declare
Miss Eva TautkuteParent Governor

Chair of Standards Committee

Resources Committee

Link Governor: Health and Safety and Play

01/11/202131/10/2025None to declare
Mrs Taiba AbbasParent GovernorStandards Committee29/11/202328/11/2027None to declare
Mr Azeem KhadirParent Governor

Chair of Resources Committee

Link Governor: Safeguarding and School Meals

14/10/202213/10/2026Spousal relationship with a member of staff
Mr Mohamed IsmailStaff Governor

Resources Committee 

Link Governor: Pupil and Sports Premium

09/07/202108/07/2025None to declare
Mrs Sukaina MukhtarCo-opted GovernorStandards Committee29/01/202528/01/2029None to declare


Governors who served over the last 12 months

Name of GovernorCategory of GovernorCommittee MembershipsAppointed Date stepped down/ term of appointment endedRegister of Interests
Miss Rachelle Francis-DottinCo-opted Governor

Standards Committee

01/12/202219/07/2024None declared
Miss Sunaina RanaCo-opted GovernorStandards Committee01/12/202202/07/2024None declared
Mrs Zahra MilaniCo-opted Governor

Standards Committee

Link Governor:


02/05/202415/10/2024None declared


Full Governing Body Attendance Record 2023-2024

Governor name

Autumn Term


Autumn Term 



Autumn Term


Spring Term 


Summer Term 02/05/2024

Summer Term


Percentage Attended
Mr Wayne Wathen-Howell (HT)AttendedAttendedAttendedAttendedAttendedAttended100%
Mr Tony Eginton (Chair of Governors)AttendedAttendedNot eligibleAttendedAttendedAttended100%
Mrs Safiya Abbas (Vice-Chair)AttendedAttendedAttendedApologies acceptedAttendedAttended83%
Mr Abbas JafferAttendedApologies acceptedAttendedAttendedAttendedAttended 83%
Miss Rachelle Francis-DottinAttendedAbsentAttendedAttendedAttendedAttended83%
Miss Sunaina RanaAttendedAttendedApologies acceptedApologies acceptedAbsentApologies accepted33%
Miss Eva TautkuteAttendedAttendedAttendedAttendedAttendedAttended100%
Mr Azeem KhadirAttendedAttended AttendedAttendedAttendedAttended100%
Mr Mohamed IsmailApologies acceptedAttendedAttendedApologies acceptAttendedAttended66%
Mrs Taiba Abbas--AttendedAttendedAttendedAttended100%
Mrs Zahra Milani-----Attended100%


Governing Body Committee Meeting Attendance Record 2023-2024

Resources Committee

Governor name

Autumn Term 


Spring Term 


Spring Term 


Summer Term 


Percentage Attended
Mr Wayne Wathen-Howell (HT)AttendedAttendedAttendedAttended100%
Mr Tony Eginton (Chair of Governors and Resources Committee)AttendedAttendedAttendedAttended100%
Mrs Safiya Abbas (Vice-Chair)AttendedAttendedAttendedAttended100%
Miss Eva TautkuteAttendedAttendedAttendedAttended100%
Mr Azeem KhadirAttendedAttendedAbsentAttended75%
Mr Mohamed IsmailAttendedAttendedAttendedAttended100%


Standards Committee

Governor name

Autumn Term 


Spring Term 


Summer Term


Percentage Attended
Mr Wayne Wathen-Howell (HT)AttendedAttendedAttended 100%
Mr Tony Eginton (Chair of Standards)AttendedAttendedAttended100%
Mr Abbas JafferAttendedAttendedAttended100%
Miss Rachelle Francis-DottinAttendedAttendedAttended


Miss Eva Tautkute (Chair of Standards Committee)AttendedAttendedAttended100%
Miss Sunaina RanaAttendedAbsentAbsent33%
Mrs Taiba Abbas-AttendedAttended100%