Rights Respecting Schools Award
We are a GOLD Rights Respecting School and our vision is to become a school where we continue to develop:
- Teaching and Learning about Rights
Children, staff and the wider school community know about and understand the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and can describe how it impacts on their lives and on the lives of children everywhere.
- Teaching and Learning through Rights (Ethos & Relationships)
In school children enjoy the rights enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This includes relationships that are positive and founded on dignity and mutual respect. Children are safe and protected and know what to do if they need support. Their social and emotional wellbeing is a priority and they learn to develop healthy lifestyles. They are included and are valued as individuals. They value education and are involved in making decisions about their learning.
- Teaching and Learning for Rights (Participation, Empowerment & Action)
Children know that their views are taken seriously and they take action to claim their rights and promote the rights of others, locally and globally.
We are Rights Respecting!

At our steering group meeting this week, we were thinking ahead to Fairtrade Day and learning about:
The RRSA Ambassadors were also consulted about their ideas for OPAL play by the Play Lead Mrs. Pumar. They came out with such good ideas of what they would like in OPAL play!
As part of our RRSA assembly for Martin Luther King Day we learnt how Martin taught the world how important Article 2 of the UNCRC is:
All children have rights, no matter who they are, whether they are a boy or girl or what their culture is. No child should be treated unfairly on any basis.
We are all Equal!

Article 24-All children have the right to nutritious food.
Our RRSA Ambassadors have been very busy advocating for the rights of other children. They have been asking our Parents/Carers to sign a petition for all children in Primary school in England to get a free school meal at lunchtime.@NoChildBehindUK
World Children's Day Pupil Voice
In Reception for World Children's Day the children read a book called 'My World, Your World' and thought about what they like to do. They thought about the difference between needs and wants and also illustrated what a home should have in it.

In Year 1 for World Children's Day the children read 'For Every Child' and thought about how all children have rights. They thought about Article 31 the right to play and played some games outside. They also made some recycled instruments and showed respect for each other working in partners.

In Year 2 for World Children's Day the children read 'We are all born free' and thought about rights and how some children are denied their rights, They chose a right and illustrated it and also wrote what 'peace' means to them on a dove.

This year we decided to celebrate World Children's Day on the same day as Children in Need. This meant that as well as learning about their rights and creating class charters the children were able to understand better that even in this country ALL children are not able to enjoy their rights and how a charity like Children in Need helps.
Dressed in Yellow and Spots for Children in Need!
At our first Steering Group meeting the Ambassadors were asked to design a new Ambassador badge. Their designs were really good and after a very difficult decision Xinyi's beautiful design was chosen. Here she is feeling very proud of her creation!
In preparation for World Children's Day, which we are celebrating on 15th November, children had an assembly on Wednesday. They were able to list so many rights and they also learnt who are the Duty Bearers and the ABCDE of rights.
Rights are:
A-for ALL children
B-Rights are there at BIRTH
C-Rights CANNOT be taken away
D-Rights DO NOT have to be earnt
E-Rights are EQUALLY important

As part of their first role as a RRSA Ambassador, Some of the Year 2 were involved in a very special day, when the school was officially opened by the Mayor of Hillingdon Cllr Colleen Sullivan. As well as being part of the ceremony, the Ambassadors accompanied our visitors on a guided tour of our new Infant School.

Meet our RRSA Ambassadors

Last week we had our RRSA Ambassador elections! As well as learning about the democratic process children were enjoying their right to:
Article 12-You have the right to give your opinion, and for adults to listen and take it seriously.
The voting was really close and here are the names of the RRSA Ambassadors for this year.
Year 2 | |||
Miss Chatters Tanzania | Mrs Jivraj South Africa | Miss Casanova Senegal | Miss Adams Cameroon |
Imran Xinyi | Sofia Maria | Lena Aidh | Holly Zayaan |
Year 1 | |||
Mrs Bhambra Indonesia | Miss Roof Cambodia | Miss Reynolds India | Mrs Mohamed Japan |
Sulayman Amina | Aisha Gurbaaz | Logan Maaisa | Sophia Ismail |
Reception | |||
Mrs Patel Portugal | Mr Ismail Netherlands | Mrs Patel Greece | Mrs Rooney Austria |
Noah Anmol | Maria Jahvon | Reebal Clara | Aizah Anshdeep |
Mrs. Vallijee is looking forward to working with them this year.
As part of the election process candidates were asked to record why they would like to be a RRSA Ambassador. Here are some of their campaign videos!





A very happy World Teachers Day to all our amazing staff at Minet! Here are some children saying THANK YOU!





We are having elections soon to choose the new Rights Respecting School Award (RRSA) Ambassadors! The date is Tuesday 15th October so watch this space to find out who it will be!
After another successful year of Minet Ambassadors being part of the Steering Group, here is some feedback from the Parents/Carers.

As we end another academic year, Mrs. Vallijee wants to say thank you to the Minet Infants Ambassadors for all their Rights Respecting work this year. The Ambassadors were given a special Certificate of Appreciation at the last assembly.
Our last RRSA Assembly was about World Refugee Day. Children learnt what a Refugee is and what we can do to welcome them into our school.
Article 22
You have the right to special protection and help if you are a refugee (if you have been forced to leave your home and live in another country), as well as all the rights in this Convention.

After a successful Accreditation visit we have received our GOLD Certificate from UNICEF. We are GOLD Rights Respecting!
We are so pleased that @UNICEF_uk has recognised our commitment and passion to using our voices to raise awareness on the importance of children's rights as we adapt to a changing climate.
To celebrate getting the GOLD Award from UNICEF Rights Respecting School Award the Ambassadors had a little celebration! We decorated cupcakes with melted Chocolate and added GOLD Sprinkles and also ate some yummy popcorn! Well done to the Ambassadors!

Some of the Year 2 children were chosen to read their Climate Change letters out to Mr. McDonnell when he visited our school. Listen to what the children had to say!
Article 12-You have the right to give your opinion, and for adults to listen and take it seriously.
Climate Change - Made with Clipchamp.mp4

Climate Change 2 - Made with Clipchamp.mp4

Climate Change 3B - Made with Clipchamp.mp4

Mr McDonnell - Made with Clipchamp.mp4

What a great start we had to World Environment Day 2024. All the staff wore green to celebrate the theme of Generation Restoration!

UNICEF has sent us our NEW GOLD banner! Here are the Ambassadors feeling really proud!
We had so much fun during SoccerAid Week! We took part in all the challenges during the week and on Friday children came to school dressed in their Sports Clothes! We asked for a donation of £1 and we are so pleased we have raised money for UNICEF and more children around the world will be helped to access their rights!

Next week the school will be taking part in a week of fun and inclusive football challenges, set by some famous faces from the England and World XI squads.
Our school will receive FIVE challenges between 3 and 7 June, with something for every child to enjoy.
Don’t wait on the sidelines,
protect every child’s Right to Play!
We are thrilled to inform you that after our accreditation visit from our RRSA Professional Advisor we have achieved the next stage of our RRSA journey. The Accreditation and Standards Committee agreed that sufficient evidence was provided to award us UNICEF UK’s Rights Respecting School Award at GOLD!
Congratulations to everyone, especially our RRSA Ambassadors and Staff!
Read the full report below:
RRSA Visit Report April 2024
The RRSA Ambassadors have been concerned about the litter they have seen overflowing in bins near our school so they decided to write a letter to Hillingdon Council about this issue. We included photographs and we also offered solutions to the problem.
We were very pleased that the Council responded so swiftly to our concerns and look forward to a cleaner environment near our school.

At our last Steering Group Meeting the Ambassadors designed a badge for them to wear to show that they are the Minet Ambassadors. Mr Howell had the tough job of choosing a winning design and after much thought Sharva from Year 2's design was chosen. Here he is feeling very proud after seeing his creation on a badge!

As part of Governors Day the Year 2 Right Respecting Ambassadors alongside Mrs. Vallijee did a presentation of the annual learning about Rights the school has been doing. The Governors were very impressed and commented on how clear, confidently and passionately the Ambassadors spoke.

We are so happy that the Fairtrade Foundation has awarded us the FairActive Award!
Fairtrade Day Pupil Voice
What an informative and fun Fairtrade Day 2024 we had at school!

In Nursery children read 'Fair Shares' by Pippa Goodheart and thought about what fair means. They practised cutting fairtrade bananas and strawberries to make a fruit salad and drizzled it with yummy Fairtrade chocolate!
In Reception children learnt about where cocoa comes from and 'bought' Fairtrade food to put in their shopping trolley. They decorated cupcakes with melted Fairtrade chocolate and made their own cocoa books. They also explored a cocoa farm in the garden.
At lunchtime Chartwells decorated the hall to remind the children why we should try to buy Fairtrade Products.

In Year 1 children made a Fairtrade milkshake and they wrote a recipe for how to make it. They played Fairtrade 'Ladders and Bananas' board games and they created Fairtrade posters to put up around the school.
Year 2 researched about Fairtrade and other organisations like Cocoa Life and Rainforest Alliance. They wrote Acrostic Poems about Fairtrade and made a yummy Fairtrade chocolate treat. They also did some role-play thinking about the various viewpoints such as the farmers, manufacturers and consumers of chocolate.
Assembly for Reception and KS1
The Rights Respecting Ambassadors went to Sainsburys in Lombardy Park to look for Fairtrade Food and compare the prices on Tuesday.
Article 17
You have the right to get information that is important to your well-being.
Article 32
If you work, you have the right to be safe and paid fairly.
Ambassadors Fairtrade Trip to Sainsburys..mp4

We had a Steering Group meeting today and we were joined by more staff which was very exciting! The children were busy finding out a bit more about Fairtrade Day as well as designing some badges for the Rights Respecting Ambassadors. We can't wait to select and send one for making!

Mr. Ismail did an OPAL Play assembly and it was so nice to see the OPAL banner with the right
Article 31
We have the right to rest, relax, play and to take part in cultural and creative activities.

As part of our RRSA assembly for Martin Luther King Day we learnt how Martin taught the world how important Article 2 of the UNCRC is:
All children have rights, no matter who they are, whether they are a boy or girl or what their culture is. No child should be treated unfairly on any basis.
We are all Equal!

World Children's Day Pupil Voice
Thank you to our Minet community for helping to recycle so many pairs of shoes...final count was around 250 pairs!
Mrs. Vallijee & Mrs. Rehmanji delivered them to the Store Manager Fricky at Clarks in Harrow. He was so impressed with how many pairs we collected!
In Year 2 for World Children's Day 2023 the children read 'We are all born free' By Amnesty International. They thought about their rights and how some children around the world are denied their rights. They also made Shoeshare posters and thought about what 'peace' means.

In Year 1 for World Children's Day 2023 the children read 'For Every Child' and thought about how all children have rights. They also thought about Article 31- 'The right to play and rest.' and played some games outside. They made some recycled instruments and counted their shoes for Shoeshare.

In Reception for World Children's Day 2023 the children read 'My World, Your World' by Melanie Walsh and thought about what they like to do. They thought about the difference between needs and wants and really enjoyed using the Shoe shop in their role play area as part of Shoeshare.

In Nursery for World Children's Day 2023 the children read 'Whoever You Are' by Mem Fox and drew self-Portraits. They thought about their right to an education and joined in the UNICEF 'We all have rights song.' They enjoyed exploring the nursery environment.

The day started with a virtual assembly all about Rights and we also counted how many pairs of shoes each class had brought in for Shoeshare. Well Done Cameroon class for bringing in 21 pairs of shoes! In total we have collected over 200 pairs of shoes and as well as helping other children enjoy;
Article 28: You have the right to a good quality education.
We have helped the environment by stopping them going to landfill.
Article 29: Your education should help you protect the environment.

For World Children's Day 2023 the staff of our school wore blue to work to show their commitment to the UNCRC and the theme for this year 'For Every Child, Every Right!'

The votes have been counted and verified and Mrs. Vallijee is very excited to announce the new Rights Respecting School Award (RRSA) Ambassadors!
In Year 2 the Ambassadors are:
Asiya, Ibraahim, Darren (DJ), Sharva, Bryan, Emaar, Amara and Meysam.
In Year 1 the Ambassadors are:
Dmitry, Suraviy, Mohamad, Simran, Nooray, Wahaaj, Jarell and Lydia
In Reception the Ambassadors are:
Yahya I, Reham, Maryama, Benyamin, Mana, Adam, Aidan and Arya
I'm looking forward to working with the children in the Steering Group and ensuring Children's Rights are at the forefront of our school.
Tuesday was a very busy day when the children voted for their class Ambassadors. The votes were very close and here are some photos of the children exercising their right to be heard and learning about the democratic process and British Values!
On Tuesday children will be exercising their right to:
UNCRC Article 12-You have the right to give your opinion, and for adults to listen and take it seriously.
We will be holding elections to choose the new Rights Respecting Ambassadors! Watch this space after the ballot papers are counted!
UNCRC Article 24-You have the right to nutritious food.
Our school community has been so generous donating food for Hillingdon Food Bank as part of our Harvest Collection. On Friday we delivered it to the warehouse where it was gratefully received by the staff. A big thank you from us all for your help and kindness!

UNCRC Article 28-You have the right to a good quality education.
As we start a new Academic Year our first RRSA Assembly was about World Teachers Day. Children recorded messages of why they are thankful for their teachers.




The Parents/Carers of our Ambassadors have written feedback on how their child has felt being a RRSA Ambassador at our school. Thank you parents for supporting your children!

Mrs. Vallijee would like to thank the Ambassadors for all their Rights Respecting Learning this year. They have attended Steering Group meetings, joined in with the activities and given their viewpoints to ensure that the rest of the children know about their rights and their voices are listened to. They received some special certificates in Assembly today!

Our last RRSA Assembly was about World Refugee Day. Children learnt what a refugee is and what we can do to welcome refugees into our school.
Article 22
You have the right to special protection and help if you are a refugee (if you have been forced to leave your home and live in another country), as well as all the rights in this Convention.

Pupil Voice
The RRSA Steering Group has been getting ready for World Environment Day. We can't wait to learn about the different ways we can help our planet Earth!
Our May RRSA Assembly was about:
Article 19-You have the right to be protected from being hurt and mistreated, in body or mind.
We read a story called ‘Walk Tall’ about Gemma the Giraffe and how animals were unkind to her, finally she found some kind friends who appreciated her being unique!
At Minet Infant and Nursery school we are very good at saying ‘Stop it! I don’t like it’ and telling an adult when we are feeling sad.

We are so pleased that the UNICEF OUTRIGHT campaign has recognised our learning towards Article 24-Childrens right to the best possible health and awarded us this certificate!

Our RRSA Assembly in April was about World Health Day.
Article 24-You have the right to the best health care possible, safe water to drink, nutritious food, a clean and safe environment, and information to help you stay well.
The children learnt about how we can stay healthy and who is responsible for making sure we are healthy. Here is some of the things to do:
1. Getting enough sleep
2. Eating nutritious food
3. Drinking water
4. Having good hygiene
5. Doing exercise
6. Being in a clean environment
7. Getting good health care when needed
8. Keeping safe

We are so proud the the Fairtrade Foundation has recognised all our efforts learning about Fairtrade and awarded us the FairActive award for the second year! Congratulations everyone!

Fairtrade Day 2023
Article 32
You have the right to protection from work that
harms you, and is bad for your health and education. If you work, you have the right to be safe and paid fairly.
Minet Infants is ready for Fairtrade Day...come on in to Fairtrade Fortnight 2023!
RRSA Ambassadors Fairtrade Trip to Sainsburys

Our RRSA Assembly for February was about Mother Language Day.
Article 30- You have the right to practice your own language.

In January our Assembly was about Martin Luther King and how he made the world a better place by peacefully marching for:
Article 2 All children have these rights, no matter who they are, where they live, what their parents do, what language they speak, what their religion is, whether they are a boy or girl, what their culture is, whether they have a disability, whether they are rich or poor. No child should be treated unfairly on any basis.
We also held a steering group meeting where we talked about Martin Luther Kings Dream and what our dreams are for the world. Look at the Tree of Dreams we made.
All of your shoes for Shoeshare have been safely delivered to Clarks in Hounslow. The RRSA Ambassadors and Mrs. Vallijee enjoyed meeting Shahid the store manager to give them! We were very tired after carrying so many shoes! Final count was approximately 300 pairs!
Thank you so much to all out Minet Community for helping to support UNICEF so that children can access their right to an education as well as Clarks diverting shoes away from landfill.

We are going to be hosting a Shoeshare Collection again this year in conjunction with UNICEF and Clarks, to help children around the world access their right to Education. You can help by sending in old shoes to school. See the poster for dates and more information.
After the RRSA elections, meet our Ambassadors for 2022-23!

We have held our first Rights Respecting Elections! All classes voted for the two children they wanted to be a Rights Respecting Ambassador for 2022-23! The children really enjoyed learning about the democratic process as well as enjoying their right to: Article 12- You have the right to give your opinion, and for adults to listen and take it seriously.
A big thank you to Hillingdon Council for lending us voting equipment. The results will be announced shortly!
Our first Assembly was for World Teachers Days on 5th October. We thought about all the rights our educators help us to enjoy and some children recorded a message for our Staff.




The Parents/Carers of our Ambassadors have given feedback on how the children have felt being an RRSA Ambassador in 2021-22

What an informative and fun-filled day we had for World Environment Day! We learnt about all the ways we can look after our Earth as we only have one!
World Environment Day started with an assembly for KS1, which was a book called Thank you, Earth. Children all showed us we have #OnlyOneEarth.

Green for World Environment Day!

We are very excited for our Themed Day next Wednesday!
Our Assembly focus this month was Article 19 of the UNCRC:
You have the right to be protected from being hurt and mistreated, in body or mind.
We learnt about the importance of being kind. We read a story called Walk Tall about Gemma the Giraffe and how some of the animals were unkind to her.
At our school we say "Stop it, I don't like it!" if someone is being unkind to us.
This months Assembly was about World Health Day.
UNCRC Article 24-You have the right to the best health care possible, safe water to drink, nutritious food, a clean and safe environment, and information to help you stay well.
Children learnt about all the things they need to stay healthy such as good hygiene and enough sleep. They also learnt about all the adults that are responsible for keeping them healthy.
World Health Day Assembly

Happy Easter to our Minet Community!
This months Steering Group Meeting we were given an Agenda to discuss ideas for the new school refurbishment. The Ambassadors were amazing at discussing various ideas and doing some designing!
Steering Group Meeting March 2022

The Amazing Learning!
Fairtrade Day at Minet!
Ready for Fairtrade Day

We are very excited to learn about Fairtrade on Wednesday 23rd February as part of our RRSA!
Article 32
You have the right to protection from work that harms you, and is bad for your health and education. If you work, you have the right to be safe and paid fairly.
We received a certificate from UNICEF UK recognizing our efforts in Shoeshare.
We had our Steering Group meeting today with the Ambassadors. Can you guess what event we are preparing for in school?
We are ALL Equal!
Article 2
All children have these rights, no matter who
they are, where they live, what their parents do,
what language they speak, what their religion is,
whether they are a boy or girl, what their culture
is, whether they have a disability, whether they
are rich or poor. No child should be treated
unfairly on any basis.
On Monday 17th January 2022 it is Martin Luther King Day.
Can you find out more about this man?
Questions you might want to ask are:
Who was he?
Where was he born?
What did he do?
Why is there a special day to remember him?
World Children's Day 2021
The Rights Respecting Schools Award puts children’s rights at the heart of schools in the UK.
The UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK) works with schools in the UK to create safe and inspiring places to learn, where children are respected, their talents are nurtured and they are able to thrive.
Our Rights Respecting Schools Award embeds these values in daily school life and gives children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens.
Using the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) as our guide, we are working with more UK schools than almost any other organisation. Over 1.6 million children in the UK go to a Rights Respecting School and nearly 5,000 schools up and down the country are working through the Award. Schools work with us on a journey to become fully Rights Respecting.
The Award recognises a school’s achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into practice within the school and beyond.
We are a Fairtrade School. This means joining a worldwide movement – a movement where young people learn that, whatever their age, they have the power to make a difference in the world.
It offers a great opportunity to look at global issues such as where our food comes from and how we are connected to people around the world.
Teaching about Fairtrade fits different curriculum areas, especially Geography, Citizenship and PSHE.