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Raising Aspirations

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect


The history curriculum overview for 2024-25:

Our vision for history is to provide all children with a high quality and rich history curriculum that promotes a curiosity of the past and ensures children acquire historical knowledge and skills.


“Raising aspirations” is embedded into all aspects of school life and learning at Minet Infant and Nursery School. The school’s history curriculum plays a vital role in this by encouraging children to aim high and fulfil their potential. As a result, history is an important part of the school’s rich, broad and balanced curriculum. We aim to provide all children with a coherently sequenced history curriculum and high-quality history related learning from the very beginning of their school journey in order to  promote their curiosity of the past and to help them acquire knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Our history curriculum is embedded from the Early Years, in which children gain a sense of the world around them to thinking critically and asking questions by the end of KS1. Furthermore, we aim for our school values of respect, responsibility and resilience to be entrenched in our history curriculum. These values are explored in the children’s learning of a range of past events and how we can achieve a brighter future.


In Early Years, children engage in a range of personal experiences that increase their knowledge and sense of world around them, from visiting educational venues such as museums to meeting important members of society. Cross-curricular learning is entwined into our history curriculum, for example, listening to a range of stories and non-fiction books that explore our diverse world. Child- initiated play learning is at the core of early years and we therefore aim to provide children with high quality provision that enables them to put their knowledge and experiences into play. This enriched learning develops children’s vocabulary that will support later learning.  


By the end of KS1, our curriculum ensures children build on their experiences, knowledge and vocabulary from the Early Years. Children develop an awareness of the past, using common words and phrases relating to the passing of time. They begin to understand where people and events they study fit within a chronological framework and identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods. Children also begin thinking critically enabling them to comment on past events, make judgements and ask questions helping them on their journey to becoming historians.

2024- 25

We had a wonderful visit from Chertsey Toy Museum. The children were able to explore toys from the past, including both real and replica toys from 120 to 60 years ago. It was fascinating to see how toys have evolved over time. We also learned how different toys work and the changes they've gone through. The teachers were really impressed with how the children answered the questions! It was a fun and educational experience, and we all enjoyed discovering the history behind these toys.

History Day- Nursery

It was lovely to see the Nursery children learning about the concept of the ‘past’ during their History Day. The children had the opportunity to share memories of their personal past, as well as looking closely at photographs of their local area, comparing the present day with how it looked in the past. 

Toy Day - Year One 

This half term, the children in Year One have been learning about the history of Toys. They've explored how toys have evolved over the years, learning about the materials used to make toys as well as their significance to the time period. The children also enjoyed discovering how toys from the past were different from the ones they play with today, and they've gained a deeper appreciation for how toys reflect changes in technology. A highlight of the topic was "Toy Day," where the children brought in their favourite toys from home. This experience allowed them to share their special toys with their friends, making the topic even more fun!

History Day - Reception


This half term, the children in Reception had the opportunity to explore the concept of the 'past' in a meaningful and engaging way! Through visiting the Nursery and looking at photographs, they were able to make connections with their own experiences and begin to understand the idea of time and change. The children were able to reflect on their own past, as well as share fond memories with their peers.


The children also enjoyed revisiting 'Owl Babies,' one of the very first stories they read in Nursery. Reading a familiar story not only helped reinforce the idea of the past but also supported key skills in sequencing and storytelling. It was great to see the children could recall the characters and order the main events in the story.


The combination of personal reflection through photographs and retelling the story of the Owl Babies, allowed the children to understand the passing of time and set a strong foundation for further exploration of the concept of the past in the future.



Nursery children observed Remembrance Day- 11/11/23 by painting poppies as a mark of respect for the fallen soldiers of WW1 and WW2.

Nursery learnt about themselves, where they live and the special people in their lives. Children used resources to build houses and talked about who lives in their house.


Reception children learnt about technology from the past and compared it to modern technology. They explored the photographs of old telephones, computers, type writers and discussed what has changed.


Toys from the past workshop

In the Autumn term, Year One were learning about toys from the past. Children were identifying differences and making comparisons with the toys loved by children decades ago and in the present day.


On the 2nd December 2022, Chertsey Museum visited the school with boxes of real and replica toys from the past. Year One children had the opportunity to handle and play with the toys. The Museum staff explained the names of unfamiliar toys, the different materials used to make the toys and the era in which the toys were produced.

The children thoroughly enjoyed stepping back in time for the day.