Late/Absence Procedures
It is vital children arrive at school on time everyday so they do not miss out on key routines to help them settle into the school day and learning which takes place at the beginning of the day. Regularly being late can add up to a lot of time being missed from school.
Children can start coming into school from 8.30am each morning but must be in school by 8.40am when the registers are taken. If they arrive after 8.40am, they will be marked as late on the register. Arriving after 9.10am will result in an unauthorised absence.
If you require support with lateness, please contact the school and we will discuss what the school can do to support you.
Absence Procedure
If your child is absent from school, parents/ carers must contact the school on the first day of absence before 9am via the main school office either in person or by telephoning 0208 573 5177.
If an absence is sickness related, we strongly recommend that children are only absent from school if they are suffering from severe illness such as vomiting, diarrhoea or a contagious disease such as chicken pox, COVID-19 etc. Click here for a NHS guide about when children should be kept off school and when the shouldn't for different illnesses.
All medical appointments should be made outside of school hours where possible. If this is not possible, please ensure you inform the school of the appointment beforehand and provide the school with an appointment slip/ letter. If you are unable to inform the school beforehand, please collect an appointment slip and bring it into the main school office. Without this, the school is unable to consider the absence as 'authorised.'
Further information about lateness and the school's absence procedure can be found in the Pupil Attendance Policy.
Information about the importance of good attendance and how the school promotes good attendance can be found on our Attendance section of the website - click below.