Key Summer Term Dates for Parents/ Carers
Please find below a list of key dates for parents/ carers for the Summer term.
Thursday 5th May |
Polling Day (School closed for children) |
Friday 6th May |
Year 1 Eid performance for parents/ carers in the main hall at 2.15pm |
Tuesday 10th May |
Zumba classes resume every Tuesday for female parent/ carers (sessions start at 9.05am in the main hall) |
Wednesday 11th May |
Parent/ carer phonics (RWI) session – 9.00-9.35am |
Wednesday 11th May |
SEND parent/ carer workshop on Teams – 1.45-2.30pm |
Monday 16th May |
Learning Journey Showcase for Nursery and Reception parents/ carer -8.40-9.15am |
Thursday 26th May |
Parents/ carers invited to Queen’s Jubilee picnic celebrations with Minet Junior School in the afternoon |
Friday 27th May |
School closed |
Monday 30th May - Friday 3rd June |
Half term |
Monday 6th June |
INSET day (school closed for children) |
Tuesday 21st June |
KS1 Sports Day (AM) and Reception Sports Day (PM) |
Monday 27th June |
Nursery Sports Day |
Wednesday 29th June |
Year 1 visit to Hampton Court Palace |
Monday 4th July |
Back-up Nursery Sports Day in case of poor weather on the 27th June |
Thursday 7th July |
Back-up Sports Day for KS1 and Reception in case of poor weather on 21st June |
Tuesday 12th July |
Summer Fayre (3.00-5.00pm) |
Thursday 14th July |
Parents/ carer evening from 1.30pm. School will close for children on this day at 1.15pm. |
Wednesday 20th July |
Year 2 leavers assembly – 9.30am |
Friday 22nd July |
Last day of term (school finishes at 1.30pm for children) |
Please note dates may be subject to change and other events may be added. Further information about each event will be sent out to parent/ carers closer to the time.
Please contact the school if you have any questions.