Important information for parents/ carer for the beginning of the new school year
Dear parents/ carers,
Welcome to the new academic year 2022-2023. I hope you have had an enjoyable and relaxing summer holiday. This letter contains some important information for you to read through. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
The school’s Designated Safeguarding Leads are:
- Sarah Dolan (Assistant Headteacher)
- Wayne Wathen-Howell (Headteacher)
- Abbas Jaffer (Deputy Headteacher)
- Lynne Holland (Learning Mentor)
If you have any safeguarding concerns about a child, you can contact one of the school’s Designated Safeguarding Leads who will be able to assist. You can also contact other agencies outside of school to report a safeguarding concern if needed. Concerns can be reported to:
- NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 or by emailing
- Hillingdon’s Stronger Family Hub on 01895 556006 or by emailing
- CEOP website for online abuse –
If a child is in immediate danger, call the police on 999 straight away.
New school opening hours
The new opening times for all children in Reception and Key Stage One will begin on Monday 5th September 2022. The school day will begin at 8.40am each morning and finish at 3.10pm. The gates will open each morning at 8.30am and children will be able to go into class for a ‘soft start’ from this time. It is essential your child is in school by 8.40am at the latest each morning as this is when the registers will be taken. If children arrive at school later than this time, they will be recorded as ‘Late’ on the school register. Please ensure your child is in school each morning on time as good punctuality will ensure they do not miss out on any lessons which begin promptly after the registers have been taken.
The timings for Nursery children will remain the same. AM sessions will begin at 8.30am and finish at 11.30am. For PM sessions, the sessions will begin at 12.15pm and finish at 3.15pm. Nursery full-time children will begin each day at 8.30am and finish at 3.15pm.
Breakfast Club and After School Care
The Breakfast Club and After School Care will begin on Monday 5th September.
The Breakfast Club is free of charge and begins at 8am each morning. Children should be dropped off at the main school office.
After School Care runs until 5pm each day and is charged at a daily rate of £5.00. Children should be picked up from the main school office.
Please inform the office if you wish to send your child to the Breakfast Club and/or After School Care. The office can be contacted by emailing: or by calling: 020 8573 5177.
There is a clear link between excellent attendance and the progress children make and this is why we aim for all children to have 100% attendance at Minet or at least a minimum attendance rate of 95%. Due to the importance of attendance, term time absences are only authorised by the headteacher in ‘exceptional circumstances.’ If you need to make an application for term time absences, these should be made to the headteacher in writing. Unauthorised absences may result in a penalty notice being issued which is £60.00 per parent/ carer or £120.00 each if the fine is not paid within 21 days. Term time holidays will not be authorised by the headteacher and will likely result in a penalty notice being issued.
If you need any advice or support related to your child’s attendance, please contact:
- Mandeep Virdee (Admissions and Attendance Officer) or
- Lynne Holland (Learning Mentor)
Further information about the importance of good attendance and the school’s Attendance Policy can be reviewed by going to the attendance page on the school’s website. Click here to access.
Uniform and PE kit
The school’s uniform is:
- Black or grey trousers or skirt
- White blouse/ polo shirt
- A red jumper or cardigan with or without the school logo. Jumpers or cardigans that do not have the school logo on must be plain with no other logos/ writing on.
- Smart black shoes
- During warmer weather, your child may wear a red Gingham checked summer dress.
- If you child wears a headscarf, it must be plain and preferably white.
On the days your child has PE lessons, they can come into school wearing their PE kits. Children should come into school wearing their school uniform on the days they have after school sports clubs and bring in their PE kits to change into after school. For PE kits, children must wear:
- Black shorts
- Black tracksuit bottoms (to be worn for outdoor PE in the winter only)
- Trainers or plimsols
- A red Minet PE t-shirt or plain red t-shirt.
It is important children come into school wearing the correct uniform and PE kits for health and safety reasons. The red PE t-shirt, jumper or cardigan with the Minet logo on as well as bookbags, can be purchased from Brigade – click here to access their website. Please ensure all your children’s uniform and PE kits are labelled with their name.
If you need any assistance with purchasing the uniform or PE kit, please contact the school as we will be able to assist.
Pupil Premium Grant
The Pupil Premium Grant is extra funding the school receives for eligible children. The school uses the funding in many ways including providing eligible children with free educational visits and school uniform. We strongly encourage all families check if they are eligible for Pupil Premium funding and to apply for it if they are. Click here to find out more information about the Pupil Premium Grant and how to apply.
Key autumn term dates
Monday 19th September | Reception welcome meeting for parents/ carers – 2.30pm |
Wednesday 21st September | Year 1 welcome meeting for parents/ carers – 2.30pm |
Thursday 22nd September | Year 2 welcome meeting for parents/ carers – 2.30pm |
Thursday 20th October | Parents/ carer evening – school closes at 1.15pm for children and there will be no afternoon nursery |
Monday 24th – Friday 28th October | Half term |
Friday 16th December | Last of day of Autumn term – children finish school at 1.15pm |
Monday 19th December – Monday 2nd January 2023 | Christmas holidays |
Please note dates are subject to change and other events will be added throughout the term which you will be informed of.
Temporary school building
As you may already be aware, the infant school has moved into a temporary school building while refurbishment works take place in the main building. Please see below a map of the temporary school building showing the location of each classroom so you know where to drop off and pick up your child.