Christmas Facebook Live on keeping children safe, offline and on phones, games & devices - Provided by LGfL DigiSafe
LGfL DigiSafe have organised a Xmas Facebook Live Q&A (click here to access) evening for parents and carers on 20th December at 7.00pm to help keep their children safe during the holidays - online and on their devices.
As well as bringing you tips on Christmas presents and parental settings, we're thrilled to have some special guests and leading experts including Common Sense Media to give advice on apps, games and the latest trends and crazes. There will also be a discussion of how parents/ carers can help with bullying, relationships, criminal and sexual exploitation and simply starting tricky conversations!
Sign up now by heading to where you can click ‘Interested’ / ‘Going’ on the post to receive a reminder when it is about to go live.
You may wish to visit the website where you will find many of the resources that will be presented on the evening.