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Minet Infant and Nursery School home page Minet Infant and Nursery School home page

Raising Aspirations

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect

  • Resilience, Responsibility and Respect

Change 4 Life Festival

Some children in Year 2 attended the Change 4 Life festival at Park Academy today. They took part in lots of different sporting activities such as Tic Tac Toe, playing with a parachute and they practiced team building skills by helping each other to complete a task. The children really enjoyed all of the activities and developed an understanding of the importance of an active lifestyle.